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Email: majie@lcu.edu.cn


2020.01-至今 聊城大学材料与工程学院 副教授
2011.07-2019.12 聊城大学材料与工程学院 讲师
2007.09-2010.12 山东大学,博士 材料科学与工程专业
2004.09-2007.06 山东大学,硕士 材料科学与工程专业
2000.09-2004.06  山东大学,学士 金属热处理专业








  1. J. Ma*, C. Z. Wang, B. X. Huang, X. C. Zhao, C. Z. Chen* & H. J. Yu*. In vitro degradation and apatite formation of magnesium and zinc incorporated calcium silicate prepared by sol-gel method. Materials Technology:Advanced Performance Materials 2021 (Online)
  2. J. Ma*, B.X. Huang, X.C. Zhao, C.L. Ban, X.H. Hao, C.Z. Wang*.In vitro degradability and apatite-formation ability of monticellite (CaMgSiO4) bioceramic, Ceramics International (2019) 3754–3759.
  3. J. Ma*, B.X. Huang, X.C. Zhao, X.H. Hao, C.Z. Wang*. Preparation and characterization of novel β-CaSiO3–Ca2ZnSi2O7 bioceramics with adjustable degradability and apatite-formation ability, Materials Letters236 (2019) 566–569.
  4. J. Ma, B.X. Huang, X.C. Zhao, C.L. Ban, X.H. Hao, C.Z. Wang Substitutions of zinc in mesoporous silicate-based glasses and their physicochemical and biological properties, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 491 (2018) 98–105.
  5. J. Ma, B.X. Huang, X.C. Zhao, C.Z. Wang*, H.M. Zhang, Effect of zinc substitution for calcium on the structure, dissolution behavior and apatite formation of CaO–ZnO–SiO2–P2O5 bioceramics, Materials Letters 206 (2017) 154–157.
  6. J. Ma*, B.X. Huang, X.C. Zhao, C.Z. Wang, In vitro degradation and apatite-formation of ZnO–CaO–SiO2–P2O5 glass–ceramics by substitution of zinc for calcium, Ceramics International 43 (2017) 14851–14857.
  7. J. Ma, C.Z. Wang*, C.L. Ban, C.Z. Chen*, H.M. Zhang, Pulsed laser deposition of magnesium-containing bioactive glass film on porous Ti6Al4V substrate pretreated by micro-arcoxidation. Vacuum 125 (2016) 48-55.
  8. J. Ma, C.Z. Chen*, D.G. Wang, C.Z. Wang, H.M. Zhang, Preparation and apatite formation on CaO–MgO–P2O5–SiO2 glass film grown by pulsed laser deposition. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 382 (2013) 5–10.
  9. J. Ma, C.Z. Chen*, D.G. Wang, X. Shao, C.Z. Wang, H.M. Zhang, Effect of MgO addition on the crystallization and in vitro bioactivity of glass ceramics in the CaO–MgO–SiO2–P2O5 system. Ceramics International 38 (2012) 6677– 6684.
  10. 马杰,黄宝旭,赵性川,王长征*,实践创新能力导向下金属学实验课程标准构建及策略,文理导航(教育研究与实践),2019, 10, 133.
  11. 马杰, 王长征*, 赵性川,应用型人才培养模式下金属材料工程专业实验教学体系改革探讨。教育界,2018,35,71-72.
  12. 马杰, 王长征*, 黄宝旭, 倪俊杰, 陈辉, 赵性川, 开展金相技能竞赛,促进金相实验教学改革[J],求知导刊,2017, 28, 138.
  13. 马杰, 王长征*, 黄宝旭, 陈辉, 倪俊杰, 赵性川. 金相技能实验以赛代练,以赛促学实践教学模式初探[J],课程教育研究-新教师教学, 2016, 15, 179.
  14. 马杰, 王长征*, 黄宝旭, 班朝磊, 陈辉. 金属学原理小组化、讨论式实验教学模式初探[J],教师, 2015, 23, 79.
  15. 马杰, 王长征, 黄宝旭, 陈辉, 班朝磊*. 以创新能力培养为主线的金属学原理实验教学体系初探[J],课程教育研究-新教师教学, 2014, 26, 24.



  1. 一种黄长石/硅灰石复合生物陶瓷材料及其制备方法(ZL 201711083983.X),马杰、王长征、黄宝旭、赵性川, 2020.09.01 授权。
  2. 一种三维多孔钛基镁掺杂涂层及其制备方法(ZL 201610021530.3), 马杰、王长征、黄宝旭、 赵性川, 2019.11.29 授权。
  3. 一种相变材料实验装置(ZL 202020391381.1), 马杰、于目元、许蕊, 2020.10.13 授权。
  4. 一种气罐支撑架(ZL 201920991700.X),马杰、孟一鸣、许蕊、于目元,2020.03.17授权。
  5. 一种多功能螺丝刀(ZL 201820591175.8),马杰、崔清丽、段丽杰、李延凤、赵芳,2019.03.05 授权。