2014-03-14 由:材料学院发布 浏览: 阅读次数: 次
姓名:贾正锋 职称:教授 最后学历:研究生 最后学位:博士 毕业院校:中科院兰州化学与物理研究所 专业:材料学 研究方向:纳米材料、摩擦学 Email: 840951355@qq.com |
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2018.01-至今 | 聊城大学材料与工程学院 | 教授 |
2011.01-2017.12 | 聊城大学材料与工程学院 | 副教授 |
2004.07-2010.12 | 聊城大学材料与工程学院 | 讲师 |
2015.03-2015.09 | 美国Temple 大学 | 高级访问学者 |
2011.01-2014.01 | 中南大学,博士后 | 材料学专业 |
2007.08-2010.05 | 中科院兰州化学与物理研究所,博士 | 材料学专业 |
2001.09-2004.07 | 河南大学,硕士 | 高分子化学与物理专业 |
1992.09-1996.07 | 济南大学,学士 | 高分子材料科学与工程专业 |
主讲课程 :
1. 碳化聚多巴胺/软金属(Cu、 Ag) / Si 纳米复合薄膜结构调控及摩擦磨损机理研究,山东省自然科学基金面上项目,10万,主持
2. 石墨烯/铜复合材料的制备及其载流摩擦学研究,山东省高等学校科技计划,3万,主持
3. Cu/含N类石墨烯复合材料可控制备及摩擦学行为研究,高端轴承摩擦学技术与应用国家地方联合工程实验室开放课题,10万,主持
4. 石墨烯/铜基复合材料的原位制备及摩擦学研究,中国科学院固体润滑国家重点实验室开放课题,10万,主持
5. 石墨烯/铜基电接触材料的制备及其性能研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,62万,第三
6. 石墨烯/金属/碳化聚多巴胺纳米复合薄膜设计及摩擦磨损机理研究,山东省自然科学基金,17万,第二
7. 车用尿素液生产工艺提升项目,横向课题,30万,主持
8. 燃气汽车润滑油油品升级项目,横向课题,25万,主持
- Tiantian Bi,Jinlong Jiang,Yu Lei,XuanZheng,Zhengfeng Jia*,ZhiqiangWei, HuaYang. (2020) Improving supercapacitive performance of CNTs/NiCo2S4 composites by interface regulation, Applied Surface Science, 530: 147317
- Zang, C., Yang, M., Jia, Z*. et al. (2021) Preparation and Tribological Properties of Graphene Oxide/Polydopamine-Derived Carbon Films on Silicon Substrate. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11665-021-05544-3
- Yang, M., Jia, Z.*, Wei, D., Wang, Y., Pang, X., Zhen, J., Zhang, R. and Yu, B. (2019) Tribological properties of carbonized polydopamine/rGO composite coatings, Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, 72: 54-65. https://doi.org/10.1108/ILT-06-2019-0203
- Zhengfeng Jia, Tiedan Chen, Jie Wang, Junjie Ni, Huaiyong Li, Xin Shao. (2015) Synthesis, characterization and tribological properties of Cu/reduced graphene oxide composites, Tribology International, 88: 17-24
- Zhengfeng Jia, Haoqi Li, Yao Zhao, Dmitriy A. Dikin, Junjie Ni, Limin Zhao, Jinming Zhen, Bo Ge, Xin Shao, Fei Ren. (2018) Preparation and electrical properties of sintered copper powder compacts modified by polydopamine derived carbon nano films, Journal of Materials Science, 53: 6562-6573
- Jia Zhengfeng,Li Haoqi,Zhao Yao,Frazer Laszlo,Qian Bosen,Borguet Eric,Ren Fei,Dikin Dmitriy A. (2017) Electrical and mechanical properties of poly(dopamine)-modified copper/reduced graphene oxide composites. Journal of Materials Science.52: 11620-11629
- Jia Zhengfeng,Wang Zhengqi,Liu Chao,Zhao Limin,Ni Junjie,LiYuchao,ShaoXin,WangChao. (2017) The synthesis and tribological properties of Ag/polydopamine nanocomposites as additives in poly-alpha-olefin. Tribology International 114: 282-289.
- Jia Zhengfeng,Zhao Pipeng, Ni Junjie , ShaoXin, Zhao Limin ,Huang Baoxu, Ge Bo ,Ban Chaolei. (2017). The Electrical conductivities and Tribological properties of Vacuum Hot-Pressed Cu/Reduced Graphene Oxide Composite. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 26: 4434-4441
- Zhengfeng Jia, Yanqiu Xia. (2011) Hydrothermal Synthesis, Characterization, and Tribological Behavior of Oleic Acid-Capped Lanthanum Borate with Different Morphologies. Tribology Letters 41:425–427
- Zhengfeng Jia,Junying Hao,Yanqiu Xia,Xianjuan Pang, Junying Hao. (2011) Tribological Behaviors of Different Diamond-Like Carbon Coatings on Nitrided Mild Steel Lubricated With Benzotriazole-Containing Borate Esters. Tribology Letters 41:247–256
- Zhengfeng Jia, Xianjuan Pang, Huaiyong Lia, Junjie Ni, Xin Shao. (2015) Synthesis and wear behavior of oleic acid capped calcium borate/graphene oxide composites. Tribology International 90: 240–247